A country I would like to visit

In this first post, I would like to talk about one of my favorite countries.

That country is New Zealand and I want to visit it for various reasons.

One of the main reasons is the education system it has, because in my opinion, the education is one of the most important factors for a country and his society to function properly.

New Zealand has a high level of economic, social and cultural development thanks to the excellent quality of its education system. The education system in this country consistently appears at the top of the OCDE international measurements.

The country has a mixed education system, meaning that there is public education (free) and private education (paid). According to data provided by the OCDE, 96% of primary school pupils attend public schools and 85% in secondary education do so. All this is made possible by the country's high investment in education, which is one of the highest in OCDE countries.

Because approximately 15% of the New Zealand population is of Maori origin, the national curriculum is bilingual and bicultural. This is a fact that really fascinates me, as we can see the great respect that this country has for Maori Culture and the concern to keep the native language of the country alive.

Well, as you may have noticed, education is a very important thing for me. But on top of that another very important point is that along with Denmark and Finland, New Zealand is the least corrupt country in the world (according to the International Transparency Index).

From all I said before is that I want to travel to this country to study a postgraduate degree in anthropology and then work as a professional in New Zealand.

I'll leave you these two beautiful photographs because I couldn't decide on just one...



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